
photo book

Melody x 3

Published 2014-08-22 17:16:00 in D90, Färg, Color, Människor, People,

Today is a special day. My sweet baby girl is turning 3 months and to celebrate this we, both Melody and I, will show you not one, not two but three nevah-evah before seen photos - one from each photoshoot.
To be more exact, exactly this time (look at the timestamp) 3 months ago, a beautiful healthy baby girl entered this world.
52 cm long and weighing 4090grams.
Here's Melody a little bit more than one month old.
From the latest shoot, the same shoot as "Melody is back, crawlin' in Black".

My precious little Melody ♥

Published 2014-08-13 07:53:59 in D90, Färg, Color, Människor, People, Ord, Words,

Looking through these photos I took (for the first time with my D90) since I gave birth of Melody... I can't even find words to describe the feelings I get. But I can ensure you there are loads of photos to come from this precious moment.
Can you believe that Melody is barely two weeks old in these photos?


Published 2014-08-12 10:19:24 in Ord, Words, iPhone,

...I got some time to go through some of the photos from the first photoshoot I had together with photographer Karin Schulz. I am not ready to show them though but soon, very soon y'all will see them.


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In this blog you will find photos taken by me with my cute ”little” Nikon D90. From time to time there will pop up a photo or two from my oldest DSLR – Nikon D40X.

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