
photo book

Fler bilder kommer! / More pictures are coming up!

Published 2014-10-30 16:32:53 in Människor, People, Ord, Words, Svartvitt, BlackandWhite, iPhone,

Jag har flera bilder på dop presenterna som lillan fick MEN jag har inte haft tid att lägga upp då en viss dam har en jobbig period just nu... Tragiskt men sant och då får hon mer än 110% av min tid. Just nu sover hon i famnen på mig medan Tarzan är igång på VHS-spelaren och tack vare's app kan jag skriva ett litet inlägg!

I do have more pictures of the gifts from my baby-girls baptism. The reason why they still haven't come up is because my girl is having a bad time and she needs me more than ever, so I am giving her more than 110% of my time and attention. At the moment she is sleeping in my arms while Tarzan is going on the VCR and thanks to's app I can write this small entry!


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In this blog you will find photos taken by me with my cute ”little” Nikon D90. From time to time there will pop up a photo or two from my oldest DSLR – Nikon D40X.


