Lite av allt.
Igår blev jag erbjuden ett fotojobb som jag tackade nej till, lite surt och trist men det är sånt jag måste göra. Varför? Jag vill inte göra ett dåligt jobb ifrån mig, speciellt när det ska plåtas på ett specifikt sätt som jag inte är van vid. Men det kommer fler chanser till fotojobb som kommer ge mig erfarenhet av diverse olika stilar.
Imorgon är det alla ♥ dag och jag ska spendera dagen med mamma medan hunden är och borstar tänderna hos veterinären. Och på kvällen ska jag få spela på violan med orkestern.
The feeling of getting back lust for writing is so wonderful!
However, I come across some problem with the Swedish language when I speak/write/read awfully a lot in English.
But I will not give up, and that's the main thing.
There was this one night, when I woke up out of a nightmare, when I realized that I actually miss writing.
To just sit there with a pen ready in my hand and with a block, just write what ever comes up in my mind and create a story. So now I sit and scratch together, which so far is more than five sheets long, a story about a guy who has lost his great love
- hmm, wonder if this will be a good story or not...
I notice that someone, I won't mention any names, but my man is a little bit curious and interested in what I write. He can often hear me say out loud "why do I ALWAYS write errors with a pencil when you do not have an eraser nearby and NEVER write errors with an ink pen that barely works?" or "What is the Swedish word for: (English word)?" and I usually hear "what do you mean by that word to? '. Pretty cute that he's actually wondering and trying to peek over my shoulder when I "write clear copies" from my pencil doodle to a little cleaner ink scribbles.
Who knows, maybe I'll update more often on the blog now that the luft of writing has returned?