Small words.
Hi, it's been a while... Not just a while, like a looong while.
Anyhow, at the moment I'm sitting by my boyfriends pc and trying to come up with something to say.
Like "Guess what guys, I bought myself a new computer!" which I haven't done yet...
I don't want to let go of my old pc. I mean, I had this pc for sooo many years, it's basically a family member to me.
But I also have to realize that I need to go forward to get better in what I love to do, which is photography and editing.
Which means I have to buy a new computer with a better processor and RAM, apparently the ones I have aren't good enough anymore... So I checked for a new labtop this weekend and the salesman said "Unfortunately, there is no labtop for ALL those things that you want to do. You have to buy a stationary computer." and when I told him that my old 6-7 years old pc could do all those things he gave me a surprised look with a follow-up question - my pc's brand, which is HP, and his face turned even more surprised. I couldn't stop myself so I laughed so hard, poor guy being laughed at for hearing my story of my pc and that I'm trying to replace it with a better one than the one that I already have.
To the main point of all this jibberjabber - I didn't walk out of the store with a new computer in my hands since the ones I want (or should I say need) costs awful lot of money. So the search continues for a new pc, though I have some more photos, from Emelie's graduation, to show you.
I think that's all I can say for now.
Wish me luck to find a new computer.