
photo book

Alien Supermarket

Published 2012-09-25 11:32:55 in D90, Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Miljö, Enviroment, Ord, Words,

So here I am, at work, chilling. Taking a small break with my camera before I go back to the reading of classes stories. I must say - I do get inspired here.
I do apologize for the crappy quality of the photos but you can't expect better than this when I don't even have the chance to edit or photograph in .raw instead of .jpg as in these photos.

Colourful workingplace.

Published 2012-09-20 22:21:31 in Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things,

I love my workingplace, it is so colourful and cheerful so I just wanna go to work everyday!
Feeling a bit ill again... *sadface*


Published 2012-09-18 09:41:08 in Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Människor, People, Ord, Words,

Har problem att vara "poetisk" av mig denna morgon, även om jag vaknade på ett awesome humör. Hur som helst så tänkte jag leverera lite nu på morgonen innan vi drar igång första aktiviteten för dagen.
Bilderna är tagna med en Nikon D7000 och är EJ redigerade!
Having trouble being poetic this morning, even if I woke up in an awesome mood. Anyhow, I thought that I could deliver some photos to you now in the morning from my internship before we start with the first session of the day.
Photos are taken by a Nikon D7000 and they are NOT edited in any way!

Like I said...

Published 2012-09-17 17:36:45 in Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Människor, People, Ord, Words,

Letter from my japanese friend Adzsa and Final Fantasy XIII-2, a gift from my boyfriend.
You can only guess what I'm going to do when I'm done with the guides right?

Stockholm - Tourist style. part II

Published 2012-09-15 23:40:00 in D40X, Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Miljö, Enviroment, Människor, People, Ord, Words,

Äntligen kommer lite fler bilder från Stockholms besöket med Adzsa.
Måste bara få säga detta - att få se dessa bilder igen får mig att sakna henne så otroligt mycket och jag kan sitta och skratta så mycket så att jag nästan börjar gråta åt vissa bilder, bara för att jag minns hur jag/vi fånga dessa underbara stunder.
Finally, photos from the visit to Stockholm with my friend Adzsa.
I must say this though - to see these photos again makes me miss her so freakishly much, there are almost no words for it and I laugh so much at some photos that I almost starting to cry. I still remeber how I/we had the chance to capture these golden moments together.


Published 2012-09-05 09:05:00 in Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Miljö, Enviroment, Ord, Words,

Nu väntar vi på att klassen ska komma och såhär ser det ut - lugnet före stormen.
and now we wait for the second class for this semester to come - the calm before the storm.
Jag vill passa på och be om ursäkt för att inte ha uppdaterat med fler bilder från stockholms besöket med Adzsa men igår hade jag ingen som helst tid att sitta vid datorn och idag har jag ingen möjlighet att komma hem då jag ska sova över hos pojken min. Men frukta inte - bilderna kommer lagom till helgen.
I want to apologize for not updating the blog with more photos from my och Adzsa's visit to Stockholm but I had no time to sit by my PC yesterday and I won't have any time to sit by it today as well since I am going to sleep over at my boyfriends place. But don't worry - photos will appear this weekend.

Stockholm - Tourist style.

Published 2012-09-03 22:20:00 in D40X, Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Miljö, Enviroment, Människor, People, Svartvitt, BlackandWhite,

Här kommer bilder från stockholmsbesöket med Adzsa, fler bilder kommer imorgon men det kommer komma någon enstaka uppdatering till innan jag går och lägger mig fast med annat.
Here is some photos from the visit to Stockholm with Adzsa, more photos will come tomorrow but there will be at least one more update with some other photos before I go to bed.

Too many photos at the moment.

Published 2012-08-21 21:02:43 in D40X, Färg, Color, Materiella-ting, Material-things, Ord, Words,

Hi you guys,
I have so many photos to go through (today I took 300 photos, yesterday 100 photos and the day before yesterday I took too many photos I haven't even checked how many I took that day...).
So I will post many entries with different kinds of motives and of course I will write when the photos are taken and where.


Min profilbild


In this blog you will find photos taken by me with my cute ”little” Nikon D90. From time to time there will pop up a photo or two from my oldest DSLR – Nikon D40X.

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